What is the full form of CSV?

CSV Full Form is Comma Separated Values

Full Form Category Term
Comma Separated Values Computing CSV
Comma Separated Variables Computer Database CSV
Adjusted EGA/VGA palette (CompuShow) File Extension CSV
Counter Strike Veterans Military CSV
CSV Organization CSV
Compushow Adjusted Ega/vga Palette File Type CSV
Carriage Services, Inc. NYSE Symbol CSV
circuit-switched voice Government CSV
Creating Shared Value Other CSV
Clínica São Vicente Medical CSV
Client Smtp Validation Computer Networking CSV
Data file (Comma Separated Values format) File Extension CSV
Clustered Shared Volume Networking CSV
Circuit Switched Voice Telecom CSV
comma-separated value Government CSV
Cash Surrender Value Business CSV
common services verbs Government CSV
Comma Separated Value Other CSV
corona start voltage Government CSV
Classad Structure Verifier Softwares CSV
Community Service Volunteer Military CSV
comma-separated variable Government CSV
close-range surveillance system Government CSV
Comma-Separated Values Information Technology CSV
Comma Separated Variable Computer Assembly CSV
Community Service Volunteers Military CSV
Client Smtp (simple Mail Transfer Protocol) Validation Networking CSV
Crossville (tn) Airport Code CSV

What is CSV?

  • CSV acronym meaning?
  • Full Details of CSV?
  • Full Name of CSV?
  • Is it acronym or abbreviation?
  • Expand full form of CSV

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