FN Full Form is Field Number
Full Form | Category | Term |
Field Number | Military | FN |
Friends of the Nation | Organization | FN |
Fine | Internet Slang | FN |
Focus Nepal | Organization | FN |
Fiscal Note | Accounting | FN |
Fingerprint Number | Police | FN |
First Nation | Genealogy | FN |
Function Name | Maths | FN |
Fowler Nordheim | Business Firm | FN |
Fabrique National | Business Firm | FN |
Family Network | Organization | FN |
Family Night | Education | FN |
Fondation de Nant | Medical | FN |
Fighter Naval | Military | FN |
Frans Noltee | Popular | FN |
Fabrinet | NASDAQ Symbol | FN |
File Name | Computing | FN |
Forum Notice | Internet Slang | FN |
First Nations | Other | FN |
FARUKHNAGAR | Indian Railway Station | FN |
A Female N | Acedemic & Science | FN |
Filmkontakt Nord | Organization | FN |
Friends in Nepal | Organization | FN |
Food Network | Other | FN |
Force Network | Military | FN |
Forest News | Media | FN |
Fuerza Nueva | Spanish | FN |
FundaciĆ³n Natura | Spanish | FN |
Formula Nippon | Sports | FN |
First Name | Law | FN |
Fore Noon | Time | FN |
False Negatives | Law | FN |
Fact Nepal | Organization | FN |
False Negative | Maths | FN |
Fabrique Nationale | Other | FN |
Foreign Nation | Military | FN |
Financial News | Media | FN |
Fuerzas Navales | Spanish | FN |
Fund for Nonviolence | Organization | FN |
Frequency And Number | Electronics | FN |
Fibonacci Number | Maths | FN |
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