What is the full form of MGF?

MGF Full Form is Malagasy Franc

Full Form Category Term
Malagasy Franc Country Currency MGF
MFS Government Markets Income Trust NASDAQ Symbol MGF
Mertz Gilmore Foundation Organization MGF
Micrografx Font File Extension MGF
Maringa, PR, Brazil Regional Airport Code MGF
Mittleider Gardening Foundation Organization MGF
Monarch Graphics File File Type MGF
Mwana wa Gwanga Foundation Organization MGF
M F S Government Markets Income Trust NYSE Symbol MGF
Minimum Guarantee Fill Business MGF
Materials and Geometry Format File Extension MGF
Much Good Food Food MGF
Moment Generating Function Maths MGF
MANDAGERE Indian Railway Station MGF
Maringa airport Regional Airport Code MGF
Most Graceful Fall Business MGF
Maternal Grandfather Physiology MGF
Myasthenia Gravis Foundation Non-Profit Organization MGF
Maringa Airport Code MGF

What is MGF?

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