What is the full form of PTC?

PTC Full Form is PTC India Limited

Full Form Category Term
PTC India Limited NSE Company Symbol PTC
positive transaction control Government PTC
Pass The Chips Internet Slang PTC
Post Traffic Control Military and Defence PTC
primary technical control, 7 Government PTC
Positive Temperature Coefficient Chemistry PTC
Prospect Theater Company Organization PTC
Pacific Telecommunications Council Telecommunication PTC
Passive Thermal Control NASA PTC
Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram Physiology PTC
Person To Contact Texting PTC
Parametric Technology Corporation Business Firm PTC
Parent Teacher Conference Education PTC
Prime Time Certified Certifications PTC
Police Training Centre Police PTC
Pegasus Track Club Sports PTC
Pentagon Telecommunications Center Government PTC
Payload Training Complex Space Science PTC
piece to camera Other PTC
Production Tax Credit Income Tax PTC
Penobscot Theatre Company Organization PTC
Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiography Physiology PTC
Personnel & Training Command Military and Defence PTC
Pots Tandem Centrex Telecommunication PTC
peace through confrontation Government PTC
Please Take Care Texting PTC
Parent Teacher Child Education PTC
PictureTel Transform Coder Computer and Networking PTC
Primary Traffic Channel Military and Defence PTC
Philippine Technological Council Organization PTC
Perimeter Transportation Coalition Organization PTC
Piedmont Technical College Other PTC
Parent Teacher Club Education PTC
Pre-process Treatment Chamber Electronics PTC
Philadelphia Transportation Company Business Firm PTC
PAR Technology Corporation NYSE Symbol PTC
Port Alice (ak) Airport Code PTC
Paid To Click Other PTC
Portable Temperature Controller Space Science PTC
Professional Technical and Clerical Job Title PTC
Parallel Test Component Electronics PTC
Parents Television Council Other PTC
programmed transmission control Government PTC

What is PTC?

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