What is the full form of SIC?

SIC Full Form is Society of Indigent Cattle

Full Form Category Term
Society of Indigent Cattle Funny SIC
Survey Information Center Military SIC
Sepang International Circuit Sports SIC
Seat In Coach Transportation SIC
Severely Indebted Category Accounts and Finance SIC
Shareholder and Investor Credit Stock Exchange SIC
Servei d'Informacio Catala Spanish SIC
Standard Industry Classification US Government SIC
Special Industry Code Military and Defence SIC
State Information Commission Andhra Pradesh Government SIC
Spelling In Context Library SIC
Sisters In Christ Religious SIC
SONIK Indian Railway Station SIC
Soldiers In Christ Religious SIC
Said In Context Media SIC
Southeastern Illinois College Educational Institute SIC
subject indicator code Government SIC
small intelligence computer Government SIC
Semantic Information Content Softwares SIC
Sinop Airport Code SIC
Silicon Carbide Electronics SIC
Standard Industrial Classification International Business SIC
Securities Investment Company Stock Exchange SIC
Simplified Instructional Computer Computer Hardware SIC
Standard Industry Code US Government SIC
Spelling Is Correct Education SIC
Standard Industry Classifications Military SIC
Subject Identification Code Military and Defence SIC
Supply Installation and Commissioning Hardware SIC
Stand In Context Media SIC
Sarcasm Is Contagious Funny SIC
Surrender Is Cowardice Military and Defence SIC
Second In Command Military SIC
Sann International College Organization SIC
Standing Interpretations Committee Accounts and Finance SIC
Symbolic Instruction Code Computer Assembly SIC
Sogo Infartility Center Organization SIC
Sequoia Imaging Center Medical SIC
Senior Intelligence Committee, 7 Government SIC
Said In Content Internet Slang SIC
Specializing In Competition Sports SIC
Standard Industrial Code US Government SIC
Score Information Criterion Military and Defence SIC
Spacecraft Identification Code NASA SIC
Serious Injury Clan Sports SIC
System Integration Contractor Military SIC
semiconductor integrated circuit Government SIC

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