What is the full form of TBD?

TBD Full Form is Too Bad To Divulge

Full Form Category Term
Too Bad To Divulge Law TBD
Trauma Medicine Division Military and Defence TBD
T. Baldwin Demerest School School TBD
To Be Decided Military TBD
TELIBANDHA Indian Railway Station TBD
to be decided, 6 Government TBD
Türkiye Biliþim Derneði Organization TBD
Transfer Before Delivery Business TBD
Ten Bulls Design Business Firm TBD
Tallwood's Best Days Community TBD
To Be Determined Ocean Science TBD
Tibetan Book Of The Dead Media TBD
To Be Discussed Telecom TBD
Timbiqui Airport Code TBD
To Be Defined NASA TBD
Torpedo Bomber Douglas (devastator, World War Ii Naval Aircraft) Military and Defence TBD
Transatlantic Business Development Business Firm TBD
time/bearing display Government TBD
The Bronx Defenders Organization TBD
target-bearing designator Government TBD
The Big Day Day's Abbreviation TBD
to be developed Government TBD
Two Bodies, Dead Law TBD
Tampa Bay Devil Rays Sports TBD
To Be Discontinued Media TBD

What is TBD?

  • TBD acronym meaning?
  • Full Details of TBD?
  • Full Name of TBD?
  • Is it acronym or abbreviation?
  • Expand full form of TBD

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