What is the full form of TRIM?

TRIM Full Form is Trade- Related Investment Measure

Full Form Category Term
Trade- Related Investment Measure International Business TRIM
Time-Related Instructional Management System Government TRIM
Tidal Residual Intertidal Mudflat Ocean Science TRIM
Trails, Roads, Interdiction Multisensor Government TRIM
Terrain Resource Inventory Mapping Ocean Science TRIM
Total Records and Information Management Business Management TRIM
Tal Records and Information Management Business Management TRIM
Tenants Rights Initiative Of Massachusetts Law TRIM
Term Rewrite Instruction Machine University TRIM
Terrain Resource Information Management Business Management TRIM
Team Rule Information Meeting Business TRIM
Taiwan Rice Insertional Mutant Food TRIM
Tower Records Information Management Business TRIM
Transport of Ions In Matter Electronics TRIM
Trimfast Group, Inc. NASDAQ Symbol TRIM

What is TRIM?

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