What is the full form of VIT?

VIT Full Form is Vellore Institute of Technology

Full Form Category Term
Vellore Institute of Technology University VIT
Van Kampen American Capital Intermediate Term High Income Trust Fund NYSE Symbol VIT
VITec file Bitmap graphics File Extension VIT
Vitoria, Spain Regional Airport Code VIT
Vocal Institute of Technology Music VIT
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Technology VIT
Victorian Institute of Technology Technology VIT
Vidyalankar Institute of Technology Technology VIT
Vermicon Identification Technology Computing VIT
Vitoria airport Regional Airport Code VIT
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune University VIT
Variable Insurance Trust Insurance VIT
Vitoria Airport Code VIT
Very Important Tailgaters Sports VIT
Vermont Interactive Television Media VIT
Visionary Information Technologies Business Firm VIT
Very Important Traveler US Government VIT
Vitamin Physiology VIT

What is VIT?

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